sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010


I thought i won’t ever find u
I thought u had just left me in this empty world…without love
I thought u had just stopped looking for me…
I thought u won’t ever come…

But I had realized that u were always there….
U were always looking for me just like i was looking for u
That it was just about waiting
N nothing about giving up

That destiny exists…or at least it does in a way
Cause I think it was written…
I think we just had to meet…
I think we were just made for each other…
I think we just have to fall in love…

We were just meant to be together…
Our hands are like two pieces in a puzzle…
Two pieces that fits perfectly…
And when that happen…the whole puzzle becomes clearer
And everything is so easy
And everything is so bright…

My mouth is always smiling…
My heart is always beating ….our song…as u said..
Butterflies are always camping in my stomach…
And u know what…?
I just love it…
It’s just better than I thought
YOU are just better than I thought

My heart is yours now…
The whole piece…
I hope u wiil take care of it…
I actually believe it…
Cause you are here…
Cause you are real…
Cause you just want me….the way I want u…
Cause we are together babe…
And that’s end of this phrase

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